RIECE Panel Data (RPD) Data Overview Released Data Download Data Research Outputs RIECE Panel Data 2019 Household Data Table Name Questionnaires EN Questionnaires TH Data dictionary Codebook Data A1: Jobs, Giving and Receiving Help and Financial Assets Individual household member information Baseline EN Resurvey EN Baseline TH Resurvey TH Data dictionary Codebook a1.dta a1.xlsx A2: Land Utilization Information on land owned by households (old land plot and new plot) including information on the loss of land ownership by households. Baseline EN Resurvey EN Baseline TH Resurvey TH Data dictionary Codebook a2.dta a2.xlsx A3: Agricultural or agricultural business ownership (in case that already harvested) Agricultural information that has been harvested Baseline EN Resurvey EN Baseline TH Resurvey TH Data dictionary Codebook a3.dta a3.xlsx A4: Agricultural or agricultural business ownership (in case that not yet harvested and in case that are perennial plant) Agricultural information (in the case that the product has not yet been harvested) including information on agriculture of perennial crops Baseline EN Resurvey EN Baseline TH Resurvey TH Data dictionary Codebook a4.dta a4.xlsx A5: Non-agricultural business ownership Business information not related to agriculture and livestock including product income from the business for household use. Baseline EN Resurvey EN Baseline TH Resurvey TH Data dictionary Codebook a5.dta a5.xlsx A6: Livestock and number of livestock Information on household livestock production Baseline EN Resurvey EN Baseline TH Resurvey TH Data dictionary Codebook a6.dta a6.xlsx A7: Household income (including monetary income and non-monetary income) Other income information of households not previously recorded Baseline EN Resurvey EN Baseline TH Resurvey TH Data dictionary Data dictionary table1 Codebook Codebook table1 a7.dta a7.xlsx a7 table1.dta a7 table1.xlsx A8: Household expenditure on consumption and expenditures for education and cloths Household expenditure information is divided into 3 categories : General household expenses, Educational expenses and Clothing and clothing expenses. Baseline EN Resurvey EN Baseline TH Resurvey TH Data dictionary Data dictionary table3 Codebook Codebook table3 a8.dta a8.xlsx a8 table3.dta a8 table3.xlsx A9: Household assets and House features House characteristics and household asset information Baseline EN Resurvey EN Baseline TH Resurvey TH Data dictionary Codebook a9.dta a9.xlsx A10: Borrowing and Lending Information on debt repayment ability, trends in additional borrowing and the household’s history of being denied a loan. Baseline EN Resurvey EN Baseline TH Resurvey TH Data dictionary Codebook a10.dta a10.xlsx A11: Digit span recall Information obtained from measuring the number recognition skills of household members. Baseline EN Baseline TH Data dictionary Codebook a11.dta a11.xlsx A12: Mental health Information on the psychological state of household members Baseline EN Baseline TH Data dictionary Codebook a12.dta a12.xlsx Table Name Questionnaires EN Questionnaires TH Data dictionary Codebook Data B1: Overview details of child General basic information of children Resurvey EN ch_1-5 Resurvey EN ch_5+ Resurvey TH ch_1-5 Resurvey THch_5+ Data dictionary Codebook b1.dta b1.xlsx B1A1: Information about moving in and moving out of household members Information on moving in and out of household members Resurvey EN ch_1-5 Resurvey EN ch_5+ Resurvey THch_1-5 Resurvey TH ch_5+ Data dictionary Codebook b1a1.dta b1a1.xlsx HHMEMBER: The detail of household member General information of household members Resurvey EN ch_1-5 Resurvey ENch_5+ Resurvey TH ch_1-5 Resurvey TH ch_5+ Data dictionary Codebook hh member.dta hh member.xlsx B2: Parenting Children’s nutritional information Resurvey EN ch_1-5 Resurvey EN ch_5+ Resurvey TH ch_1-5 Resurvey TH ch_5+ Data dictionary Codebook b2.dta b2.xlsx B3: Child’s health Information on the child’s overall health and financial readiness to receive medical services. Resurvey ENch_1-5 Resurvey EN ch_5+ Resurvey TH ch_1-5 Resurvey TH ch_5+ Data dictionary Codebook b3.dta b3.xlsx B4: Child’s underlying disease and disability Information on congenital diseases or defects detected in children Resurvey EN ch_1-5 Resurvey EN ch_5+ Resurvey TH ch_1-5 Resurvey TH ch_5+ Data dictionary Codebook b4.dta b4.xlsx B5: Child education Educational information including the amount of media to develop children’s various skills. Resurvey EN ch_1-5 Resurvey EN ch_5+ Resurvey TH ch_1-5 Resurvey TH ch_5+ Data dictionary Codebook b5.dta b5.xlsx B10: Mother and Child Health Handbook (Pink book) Mother and child health recording information (Pink book) Resurvey EN ch_1-5 Resurvey EN ch_5+ Resurvey TH ch_1-5 Resurvey TH ch_5+ Data dictionary Codebook b6.dta b6.xlsx B11: Activity Timetable Activity time recording schedule information Resurvey EN ch_1-5 Resurvey ENch_5+ Resurvey TH ch_1-5 Resurvey TH ch_5+ Data dictionary Codebook b11.dta b11.xlsx