Basic Minimum Needs

The Community Development Department has been conduction the Basic Minimum Needs Census 1997. This census has been carried out every year. The objective of the census is improving the quality of life through enabling local people and communities to meet their own basic minimum needs.
Subject Terms
Have a good health, Have home to live, Pay attention to the education, The income progresses, Establish Thai popularity, Come together develop and Key Performance Indicators
Area Collection: Collect the data in every households in the village, though, there is the address, and have no the address
1. The village where there are all areas in rural area (Non-municipalarea)
2. The village where there are areas both in rural area and nonmunicipalarea (excluding the village where there are all areas in Pattaya municipal areas and Bangkok Metropolitan)a (Non-municipalarea)

Questionnaire (Year 1992-2006)