Assistant Professor Jun Hyung Kim will present “Prosocial Vaccination” Time: Wednesday 7, February 2024 at 10.30-12.00 PM Location: University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, with Zoom Meeting Building 21, 7th Floor, UC-UTCC Conference Room
This event is part of the Human Capital Development Seminars, jointly organized by Research Institute for Policy Evaluation and Design (RIPED) and Equitable Education Fund (EEF).
We study the role of loss aversion in behaviors with significant prosocial motives. We conduct a field experiment in a large developing country that uses gain-loss framing to deliver information about how vaccination reduces the spread of COVID-19, and confirm vaccine take-up using self reports and government certificates. For both vaccination intentions and vaccine take-up, we find positive impact of information treatment, with significantly greater impact for the messages focusing on the “loss” in prosocial motives when not vaccinated. We explain our findings in a theoretical model and calibrate the prosocial loss aversion parameter to be within range of private loss aversion parameter estimates in the literature.